
Two Views of The Gospel by Will Metzger

View of God
Point of contact with non-Christians is love (God loves you). Therefore, God’s authority is secondary.Point of contact with non-Christians is creation (God made you). Therefore God has authority over your destiny.
Love is God’s chief attribute.Holiness and love are equally important attributes of God.
God is impotent before the sinner’s will.God is able to empower the sinner’s will.
The persons of the Trinity have different goals in accomplishing and applying salvation.The persons of the Trinity work in harmony - salvation accomplished for and applied to the same people.
God is a friend who will help you.God is a king who will save you.
View of Humanity
Fallen, yet has the ability (or potential) to choose the good.Fallen, and will not come to God by own will power.
Seeks truth but lacks correct facts.Mind at enmity with God; none seek God.
Needs love, help, friendship.Needs new nature (mind, heart, will), regeneration.
Makes mistakes, is imperfect, needs forgiveness.Rebels against God, has a sinful nature, needs reconciliation.
Needs salvation from the consequences of sin - unhappiness, hell.Needs salvation from guilt and the power of sin.
Humanity is sick and ignorant.Humanity is dead and lost.
View of Christ
Savior from selfishness, mistakes, hell.Savior from sin and sinful nature.
He exists for our benefit.He exists to gather a kingdom and receive honor and glory.
His death was more important than his life.His death and his life of obedience equally important.
Emphasizes his priestly office - Savior.Emphasizes his priestly, kingly, prophetic offices.
An attitude of submission to Christ’s lordship is optional for salvation.An attitude of submission to Christ’s lordship is necessary for salvation.
View of Response to Christ
Invitation waiting to be accepted now.Loving command to be obeyed now.
Our choice is the basis for salvation - God responds to our decision.God’s choice is the basis for salvation - we respond to God’s initiative.
We give mental assent to truths of the gospel - decision.We respond with our whole person (mind, heart, will) - conversion.
Appeal is made to the desires of the sinner.Truths are driven home into the conscience of the sinner.
Saved by faith alone - repentance omitted for it is thought of as “works.”Saved by faith alone - saving faith always accompanied by repentance.
Assurance of salvation comes from a counselor using the promises of God and pronouncing the new believer saved.Assurance of salvation comes from the Holy Spirit applying biblical promises to the conscience and effecting a changed life.
Sinners have the key in their hands.God has the key in his hand.
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